2016년 시행 지방직 9급 공무원 임용 필기시험 [A책형]



문 1. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

The two cultures were so utterly ______ that she found it hard to adapt from one to the other.

문 2. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Penicillin can have an ______ effect on a person who is allergic to it.

문 3. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

Last year, I had a great opportunity to do this performance with the staff responsible for ______ art events at the theater.

문 4. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

문 5. 우리말을 영어로 잘못 옮긴 것을 고르시오.

문 6. 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

The planet is warming, from North Pole to South Pole, and everywhere in between. Globally, the mercury is already up more than 1 degree Fahrenheit, and even more in sensitive polar regions. And the effects of rising temperatures aren't waiting for some far-flung future. They're happening right now. Signs are appearing all over, and some of them are surprising. The heat is not only melting glaciers and sea ice; it's also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move.

문 7. 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

Few words are tainted by so much subtle nonsense and confusion as profit. To my liberal friends the word connotes the proceeds of fundamentally unrespectable and unworthy behaviors: minimally, greed and selfishness; maximally, the royal screwing of millions of helpless victims. Profit is the incentive for the most unworthy performance. To my conservative friends, it is a term of highest endearment, connoting efficiency and good sense. To them, profit is the ultimate incentive for worthy performance. Both connotations have some small merit, of course, because profit may result from both greedy, selfish activities and from sensible, efficient ones. But overgeneralizations from either bias do not help us in the least in understanding the relationship between profit and human competence.

문 8. 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?

Electric cars were always environmentally friendly, quiet, clean-but definitely not sexy. The Sesta Speedking has changed all that. A battery-powered sports car that sells for $ 120,000 and has a top speed of 125m.p.h. (200 km/h), the Speedking has excited the clean-tech crowd since it was first announced. Some Hollywood celebrities also joined a long waiting list for the Speedking; magazines like Wired drooled over it. After years of setbacks and shake-ups, the first Sesta Speedkings were delivered to customers this year. Reviews have been ecstatic, but Sesta Motors has been hit hard by the financial crisis. Plans to develop an affordable electric sedan have been put on hold, and Sesta is laying off employees. But even if the Speedking turns out to be a one-hit wonder, it's been an exciting electric ride.

문 9. 콜라비에 대한 설명 중 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?

Kohlrabi is one of the vegetables many people avoid, mainly because of its odd shape and strange name. However, kohlrabi is delicious, versatile and good for you. Kohlrabi is a member of Brassica, which also includes broccoli and cabbage. Brassica plants are high in antioxidants, and kohlrabi is no exception. Plus kohlrabi contains fiber, useful amounts of vitamin C, together with vitamin B, potassium and calcium. Kohlrabi can be eaten raw: it's delicious when thinly sliced and mixed into salads. You can also roast chunks of it in the oven, or use it as the base for a soup.
*brassica :배추속(屬)

문 10. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

In an early demonstration of the mere exposure effect, participants in an experiment were exposed to a set of alphabets from the Japanese language. As most people know, Japanese alphabets look like drawings and are called ideograms. In the experiment, the duration of exposure to each ideogram was deliberately kept as short as 30 milliseconds. At such short durations of exposure-known as subliminal exposure-people cannot register the stimuli and hence, participants in the experiment were not expected to recall seeing the ideograms. Nevertheless, when participants were shown two sets of alphabets, one to which they had been previously exposed and another to which they hadn't, participants reported greater liking for the former even though they couldn't recall seeing them! These results have been replicated numerous times and across a variety of types of stimuli, so they are robust. What the mere exposure results show is that ______.

문 11. 밑줄 친 부분에 공통으로 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

○ The psychologist used a new test to ______ overall personality development of students.
○ Snacks ______ 25% to 30% of daily energy intake among adolescents.

문 12. 밑줄 친 ‘your dad's character’를 가장 잘 표현하는 것은?

I began to get a pretty good sense of your father the first time I came to visit you at your house. Before my visit, he asked me some detailed questions about my physical needs. As soon as he learned about my heavy wheelchair, he began planning how he would build a ramp to the front door. The first day I came to the house, the ramp was ready, built with his own hands. Later on, when your dad found out about your younger brother's autism, he said one thing I will never forget. "If Sam can't learn in school," he told me, "I will take a couple of years off work and we will sail around the world. I will teach him everything he needs to know in those two years." That says everything about your dad's character.

문 13. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?

John : Excuse me. Can you tell me where Namdaemun Market is?
Mira : Sure. Go straight ahead and turn right at the taxi stop over there.
John : Oh, I see. Is that where the market is?
Mira : ______

문 14. 두 사람의 대화 중 가장 어색한 것은?

문 15. 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.

문 16. 어법상 옳은 것을 고르시오.

문 17. 글의 흐름상 가장 어색한 문장은?

Progress is gradually being made in the fight against cancer. ①In the early 1900s, few cancer patients had any hope of long-term survival. ②But because of advances in medical technology, progress has been made so that currently four in ten cancer patients survive. ③It has been proven that smoking is a direct cause of lung cancer. ④However, the battle has not yet been won. Although cures for some forms of cancer have been discovered, other forms of cancer are still increasing.

문 18. 주어진 문장이 들어갈 위치로 가장 적절한 곳은?

But the truth is, after you successfully make it through this problem, there will be another problem to face.

Some people are convinced that life is simply a series of problems to be solved. The sooner they get through with the problem they are facing, the sooner they will be happy. ( ① ) And after you overcome that obstacle, there will be something else to overcome and there's always another mountain to climb. ( ② ) That's why it is important to enjoy the journey, not just the destination. ( ③ ) In this world, we will never arrive at a place where everything is perfect and we have no more challenges. ( ④ ) As admirable as setting goals and reaching them may be, you can't get so focused on accomplishing your goals that you make the mistake of not enjoying where you are right now.

문 19. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

I don't know how it is for women or for other guys, but when I was young, I had a fear of ______. I thought it was a giant step toward death. So I did all I could to resist it because the idea was frightening to me. Then, one day I met Jane while I was shooting my first film. This changed everything. Jane, who was from Kentucky, was waitressing at that time, and I noticed her right away. She was really beautiful, and it took me all day to get up the nerve to ask her out. Just then a makeup man on the film snapped a photo of the two of us. About two years ago he sent it to me, saying, "Here you are asking a local girl for a date." He didn't know that that "local girl" became my wife. I still remember that day vividly.

문 20. 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오

One well-known difficulty in finding new things has been termed the 'oasis trap' by the cognitive psychologist David Perkins. Knowledge becomes centered in an 'oasis' of rich findings and it is just too risky and expensive to leave that still productive and well-watered zone. So people stick to ______. This is what happened to a certain extent in China over many centuries. The huge physical distances between centers of knowledge in China and the fact that the distant centers turned out to be little different from one another discouraged exploration.