2018년 시행 지방교행직 공무원 임용 필기시험
타이머 설정
실제 시험처럼 제한시간에 맞추어 기출문제를 풀려면 '타이머적용' 버튼을 클릭하세요.
(주의 : 타이머 적용시 문제를 다 못 풀더라도 제한시간이 지나면 강제로 시험이 종료됩니다.)
기출문제 풀이는
로그인 후 이용
[1~3] 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
문 1.
In talking with other people, don’t begin by discussing the things on which you differ. Begin by emphasizing ― and keep on emphasizing — the things on which you
. Keep emphasizing, if possible, that you are both striving for the same end and that your only difference is one of method and not of purpose. Get the other person saying “Yes, yes” at the outset. Keep your opponent, if possible, from saying “No.”
문 2.
The postmodern is everywhere and nowhere. It has no zero point, no fixed essence. It contains all the traces of everything that has come before. Its dominating logic is that of a
, never pure, always compromising, not ‘either-or’, but ‘both-and’. The postmodern impulse is playful and paradoxical. It mocks and absorbs historical forms, always having it both ways, always modern and postmodern, nothing escapes its attention.
문 3.
Under ordinary circumstances, individuals will take significant measures to avoid the huge expense of having a car stolen ― parking in safe places, locking the car, using an antitheft device, etc. But once that car is insured for nearly its full replacement value, the driver has significantly less incentive to take such
문 4.
다음 글의 밑줄 친 부분 중 문맥상 단어의 쓰임이 적절하지 않은 것은?
It is important to remember that making and responding to works of art, in many media, are social practices. It is ①
that these practices are the invention of any distinct individual. Any intention on the part of an individual to make art would be ②
, were there no already going practices of artistic production and response. If there are no shared criteria for artistic success, then the word art cannot be used ③
, as a descriptive term. If I have only myself to go on, then “whatever is going to seem right to me to call art is ④
. And that only means that here we can’t talk about ‘right.’”
[5~6] 다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 표현으로 어법상 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.
문 5.
the Wright Brothers’ maiden voyage on December 17, 1903, lasted just twelve seconds and covered only 120 feet ―“you could have thrown a ball farther” ― it displayed the possibility of conquering air itself to the world. The flight proved highly
to the U.S. government, which through the army had given seed money to a similar program under the direction of Samuel P. Langley.
(A) Despite ― (B) embarrassed
(A) Despite ― (B) embarrassing
(A) Although ― (B) embarrassed
(A) Although ― (B) embarrassing
문 6.
Modern industrial societies and their problems are becoming increasingly complex, and because
one person today can master all the social sciences, growing emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary approach to many social problems. The interdisciplinary approach means
a group of social scientists with different specialties will work together on a certain problem, not all of whose aspects any one of the group fully understands.
(A) no ― (B) that
(A) any ― (B) that
(A) no ― (B) what
(A) any ― (B) what
문 7.
다음 밑줄 친 단어가 가리키는 대상이 나머지 셋과 다른 것은?
Alexander loved sport, and riding more than anything. No one rode better than he. His father once bought a beautiful horse that no one could tame. His name was Bucephalus. Whenever anyone tried to mount ①
they were thrown off. But Alexander worked out why ②
did it: the horse was afraid of his own shadow. So Alexander turned the horse’s head towards the sun so that he couldn’t see ③
shadow on the ground. Stroking him gently, ④
swung himself onto his back and rode round to the applause of the whole court.
[8~9] 다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 어법상 옳지 않은 것을 고르시오.
문 8.
In agreement with the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities, Franck Goddio and his team ensured that artifacts ①
in their exploration would remain in the East Port until a decision can be made about the possible creation of an underwater museum at the site. Yet the significance of some of their finds was such that they were unwilling to leave ②
untouched on the seabed without establishing a precise visual record of their appearance that would permit future scholars to study them in detail. The solution lay in temporarily removing some objects from their underwater sites to permit casting and then ③
them to the seabed. The replication process ④
by Georges Brocot, a French artist who specializes in molding techniques.
문 9.
Sustainability is a difficult and complex issue, and an elusive one. It is enormously important ①
it has to do with nothing less than the chances of humankind surviving on this planet. At the rate that the human race is using scarce and limited resources it appears that, unless measures are taken now ― and if there is still time ― the future of civilization, at least as we understand it now, ②
uncertain, to say the least. It follows that such a complex subject has no simple and straightforward treatment, especially ③
that sustainability is not a goal but a process. It leads to a better life for the present generation and survival for generations to come, ④
their ability to cope with the world that they will inherit.
문 10.
다음 대화의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
A: Jenny, have you signed up for the in-service training next week?
B: No, I haven’t. How about you?
A: I’ve already signed up for the Wednesday session.
B: Good for you. But I’m afraid I can’t make it on weekdays.
A: No worries. I heard there are weekend programs, too.
B: Really?
A: Yes, but the spaces must be limited.
B: Then,
A: Yeah, you should. You know, first come, first served.
you should have gone to them
if I were you, I’d sign up for them
I’d better go and sign up right away
you should take a rain check this time
문 11.
다음 글의 주제로 가장 적절한 것은?
Cholesterol-lowering drugs are among the most widely used medications in the world. Your body produces cholesterol, and it’s found in many foods. But what is it for? Clearly, there is a reason for cholesterol because your liver naturally makes it, but why? You may be surprised to know that your body does need cholesterol as a foundation of good health in many ways. For example, cholesterol is used by the body to make hormones that help your body respond to physical and mental stress. It also is the foundation for the production of sex hormones, contributing to regulation of body actions from puberty to pregnancy, including all aspects of reproductive function.
the reasons we need cholesterol in our body
the way cholesterol is produced in the body
the mechanism of cholesterol-lowering drugs
the reproductive function of cholesterol
문 12.
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 단어로 가장 적절한 것은?
Although the cinema has most often been compared with literature, it really has far more in common with architecture. Both forms are public, collaborative, and above all,
. In both arts, economic constraints have always dictated the shape of the work produced. By comparison, literature (especially “serious” literature) seems almost a priestly calling: novelists and poets, at least since Romanticism, have (for better or worse) been largely able to write whatever pleased them, without regard for audience or expense.
문 13.
다음 빈칸 (A), (B)에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은?
The motivating concepts that guide disaster management ― the reduction of harm to life, property, and the environment ― are largely the same throughout the world.
, the capacity to carry out this mission is by no means uniform. Whether due to political, cultural, economic, or other reasons, the unfortunate reality is that some countries and some regions are more capable than others at addressing the problem. But no nation, regardless of its wealth or influence, is advanced enough to be fully immune from disasters’ negative effects.
, the emergence of a global economy makes it more and more difficult to contain the consequences of any disaster within one country’s borders.
(A) However ― (B) Furthermore
(A) Otherwise ― (B) Furthermore
(A) However ― (B) In contrast
(A) Otherwise ― (B) In contrast
문 14.
다음 글의 내용과 일치하는 것은?
The bright butterflies and moths number 140,000 species, exceeded only by the beetles. “Lepidoptera,” the order’s scientific name, means “scaly-winged,” and tiny scales cover the wings and bodies of most adult forms. In size, butterflies and moths vary more than any other insect group. An owlet moth of South America is a foot across; the Eriocranid moth has a quarter-inch wingspan. Some species are even smaller. There are no hard and fast rules for telling a butterfly from a moth. But in general, moths spin cocoons, butterflies do not. When at rest, the moth tends to fold its wings like a tent while the butterfly presses them together overhead.
Lepidoptera는 모든 성충의 몸이 큰 비늘로 덮여 있다는 것을 뜻한다.
나비와 나방은 다른 어떤 곤충집단보다 크기가 더 다양하다.
Eriocranid 나방은 날개 길이가 2분의 1인치이다.
나비는 쉴 때 텐트처럼 날개를 접는 경향이 있다.
문 15.
Spencer Stanhope에 관한 다음 글의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
Spencer Stanhope came from a middle-class family and was educated at Rugby and Christchurch, Oxford. He began to study art with G. F. Watts in 1850, visiting Italy with him in 1853. He became one of the circle of young artists around the Pre-Raphaelites in the mid-1850s and was particularly friendly with Burne-Jones, who influenced his painting and became a lifelong friend. He first exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1859 and later at the Grosvenor Gallery. Like his artist friends, he had a sympathy for ordinary people and often chose subjects showing them at work, though often in an idealized manner. Washing Day in which the women wash the clothes while the men get on with the business of fishing, is typical of Stanhope’s work.
1853년에 G. F. Watts와 함께 이탈리아를 방문했다.
Burne-Jones가 그의 그림에 영향을 주었다.
1859년에 Grosvenor Gallery에서 첫 전시회를 열었다.
Washing Day는 그의 작품의 전형적인 특징을 보여 준다.
문 16.
다음 글의 제목으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Archaeological finds come in many forms ― as artifacts, food remains, houses, human skeletons, and so on. These finds are usually cleaned, identified, and cataloged in the field before being packed for transport to the laboratory. Once back from the field, these data ― including not only finds but also the detailed notes, drawings, and other recorded data acquired in the field ― are subjected to analysis. At this stage some specific materials, such as radiocarbon samples and pollen grains, are sent to specialists for analysis. Most laboratory analysis involves detailed artifact classification and study of animal bones and other food remains ― the basis for the later interpretation of data.
Various Laboratory Analyses of Archaeological Finds
Processing and Analysis of Archaeological Finds
Importance of Archaeology in Human History
Different Types of Archaeological Finds
문 17.
주어진 글 다음에 이어질 글의 순서로 가장 적절한 것은?
The metaphors or analogies that we chose to think about ourselves can have different effects on our understandings and our actions.
(A) For example, Michael White and David Epston explain that if we think that people and relationships are like complex machines, we will probably see their problems as malfunctions in the machinery and the solution would be to repair them, as a mechanic would.
(B) Someone who is guided by this metaphor would probably encourage the person to “vent” and express that anger to release the growing pressure.
(C) An example of this is when we say that anger was building up inside us like steam in a pressure cooker and that the steam has to be let out or the cooker will explode.
(A) — (C) — (B)
(B) — (A) — (C)
(B) — (C) — (A)
(C) — (A) — (B)
문 18.
글의 흐름으로 보아 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳은?
The closer the individual film came to being described by the first term in each pair, the more its difference from Hollywood films was regarded as “innovative” and hence positive.
Something in the German films was obviously viewed as “aesthetic,” but what was it? ( ① ) In America, the term “German cinema” came to mark out an aesthetic space, if you will, somewhere outside the normative boundaries of conventional Hollywood style. ( ② ) At issue was how far outside, and whether this aesthetic distance from the Hollywood cinema constituted a positive or negative aesthetic difference. ( ③ ) Discussions of individual films tended to be framed by three aesthetic criteria, each having both a positive and a negative dimension: spectacular / excessive, complex / elitist, and artistic / self-indulgent. ( ④ ) A film defined by the latter terms, however, was seen as too different and hence too “strange.”
문 19.
다음 글에서 전체 흐름과 관계 없는 문장은?
Leadership is centered on the communication between leaders and followers rather than on the unique qualities of the leader. ① Thought of as a relationship, leadership becomes a process of collaboration that occurs between leaders and followers. ② A leader affects and is affected by followers, and both leader and followers are affected in turn by the situation that surrounds them. ③ For example, a leader in the fund-raising campaign knows every step and procedure in the fund-raising process and is able to use this knowledge to run an effective campaign. ④ This approach emphasizes that leadership is not a linear one-way event, but rather an interactive event.
문 20.
다음 글의 요지로 가장 적절한 것은?
When the state spends money which it has raised by taxation, it is taking money out of the pockets of the taxpayers to put it into the pockets of those upon whom it is spending. The expenditure may be really an investment: education, for instance, is an investment in the young, and is universally recognised as part of the duty of the state. In such a case, provided the investment is sound, public expenditure is obviously justified: the community would not be ultimately enriched by ceasing to educate its children, nor yet by neglecting harbours, roads, and public works generally.
The state should inform its taxpayers of its investment plans.
Reducing public expenditure will make the community richer.
Public expenditure can be justified through a proper investment.
The state should spend more money on public works than on education.